Barrington, Burton and Christian Pacifism with Tom Noakes-Duncan

Resources for further learning:

From NZOnScreen: An online film (in five parts of around 30 minutes each) called  Sedition, The film explores the story of  New Zealand’s dissent in WWII. Along with talking about the political and social setting at the time, it tells the story of  activist groups, including the NZ Christian Pacifist Society in general and Ormond Burton and Archie Barrington in particular. There are key interviews with David Grant, A. C. Barrington and his son John, among others.

A report from the NZ History web-site on Conscientious Objection and Dissent in World War One.

Sermon: Passion for Peace on The Rev Ormond Burton. Preached by Rev Drs Allan Davidson and Keith Rowe at St Luke’s Presbyterian Church, Remuera 12 March 2012.

Field Punishment No. 1: the story of New Zealand’s first conscientious objectors who were opposed to taking up arms during WWI and as a result, arrested and shipped off to war against their will. Available on TVNZ ON Demand. 1.5 hours long. AO rating.

Te Ara Encyclopaedia of New Zealand….article on Ormond Burton

From the NZ History site: A 6 minute extract of Archie Barrington discussing conscientious objection