Kia Ora! Welcome to the website of the Presbyterian Church Schools’ Resource Office.

This web-site aims to

  1. Connect the NZ Presbyterian school network and be a point of contact for interested others
  2. Support the  Special Character of our schools, that is, their  Christian ethos and Presbyterian/Reformed tradition, with resources and ideas for Chaplaincy and Christian/Religious Education
  3. Foster a dynamic sense of connection with the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand and the wider church.

Presbyterian Church Schools’ Resource Office Information Booklet

bookletThis booklet aims to provide information to Principals, Chaplains, Board members and others interested in the group of schools within the education sector who are connected with the PCANZ.
It provides contact information about our Presbyterian Church schools, along with a brief history of the schools and the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand (PCANZ).

It also gives information about how the PCANZ operates today and ways in which it can assist Presbyterian church schools.

Get the PCSRO Information Booklet (PDF 1.5MB)

Short movies about ‘who we are’

In the Who We Are page under the About tab there are two short movies, one about the New Zealand Presbyterian Schools’ network and the other about the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Brochure about the Presbyterian church schools’ network

Designed for the Presbyterian Church’s General Assembly 2018, this brochure provides general information about the Presbyterian church schools’ network. Get the Presbyterian Schools’ network brochure

Contact details for the Presbyterian Church Schools’ Resource Office: