Three Presbyterian women, Margaret Neave, Kathryn McDaniel and Mo Morgan, whose courageous and committed Christian faith has made (and is making) a difference.Resource for use with all three units: Theme Based Unit information This includes ideas for conceptual understanding, concepts for focus, key competencies, values, perspective, social inquiry and achievement objectives.
Dr Margaret Neave, a paediatrician, served with the NZ Medical Team in the Vietnam War. This unit offers a lesson sequence, a ‘zoom in’ and biography on Dr Neave, along with further online resources, an obituary from the NZ Medical Journal, a book extract from No Front Line by Claire Hall and impressions of modern Vietnam by Wellington journalist Anne Manchester. A copy of the Frontline documentary about the 1990 return visit to Vietnam of Dr Neave and others from the NZ team is also available on loan from the Resource Office. Kathryn McDaniel has had a prison visiting ministry in Thailand for more than forty years. This unit offers a lesson plan connected with the Presbyterian Shapers theme concepts, as well as Kathryn’s ‘prison ministry reflections’. Resources for Kathryn McDaniel Mo Morgan is currently training for ordained Presbyterian ministry. She has worked extensively with youth within the Presbyterian church and in the wider Wellington community. This unit provides information about Mo’s story, a personal journal activity and a class activity. Resources for Mo Morgan |